Information about changes tax agencies, unemployment agencies and other organizations like wage garnishments agencies, courts and creditors are making in response to COVID-19.
In-depth information on direct deposit, recent legislation and other valuable topics, along with customizable email templates to distribute to your employees regularly.
Resources to manage and communicate with your workforce -- onsite and remote
Employee policies, employment law compliance, including The CARES Act and FFCRA
Payroll policies, alternative pay options, overtime
Information on managing absences, paid and unpaid leave
How ADP is protecting our associates and clients
Reliable websites for public health and employer information
This Small Business Resource Center, a supplement to the ADP Employer Preparedness Toolkit, was developed to help you navigate the rapidly evolving challenges you and your workforce are facing related to COVID-19. For small businesses in particular, this presents unique challenges related to pay requirements, leave, unemployment, and workplace safety. Here you'll find additional FAQs, state and local guidance, information on loan assistance, policies and more.
In light of recent and ongoing legislative changes, ADP and Wolters Kluwer/CCH have compiled these additional resources to help accounting professionals best support their clients.
Stay current on the latest legislative updates with Eye on Washington, including The CARES Act and FFCRA.
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